Quick Start Guide

After finishing this steps, you can now generate your reports and complete all of your in-depth data analysis on the GameTraka platform.

  1. Click here to Download and install Bridge
    - Bridge is an application that will allow your computer to talk to the SPT GPS.
    - You use Bridge to download the GPS data onto your computer. 
  2. Create an account on www.gametraka.com 
  3. Charge your SPT GPS (make sure the device is fully charged before use).
  4. Turn your SPT GPS device on in a clear, open sky environment. Leave it to acquire signal for 15 minutes the first time you use it. 
  5. Wear your SPT GPS during an activity to record your athletes session.
  6. Plug your GPS into your computer and open Bridge.
  7. Complete the event creation, assignment and upload process as detailed here: link
  8. Erase your SPT GPS devices link
  9. Complete the segmenting and trimming of your uploaded event.