Zone Running (Zone 1 - Zone 6)

Running zone metrics describe the total running volume you/an athlete has traveled while maintaining a certain speed threshold.

To read more about the importance of developing high speed running capacity, please follow this link. 

SPT gives users the option to implement a six zone system, the thresholds are described in the table below (users can also chose a 4 zone system or custom zones).

Zone 1-6

To learn how to edit your zones and speed thresholds on a Team level, click here.

GameTraka will display the percentage of volume that an athlete has spent in each running zone, relative to the total volume undertaken in a session. 

Zone 1-6 - % of Time

If you want to view the total distance covered in each of the six running zones, select 'Zones' on either a table: 

Team Event-

Zone 1-6 - Table View

Athlete Timeline or Team Timeline-

Zone 1-6 - Timeline VIew

Athlete Event- 

Zone 1-6 - Athlete VIew