How Heart Rate is Measured

Heart rate is the speed at which your heart beats. Heart rate is measured by the number of times your heart contracts each minute, this is displayed at beats per minute (BPM).

Your heart rate will increase or decrease depending on oxygen and energy needs.  

A heart rate monitor (HRM) consists of two parts:

1. Transmitter attached to electrodes that can be a strap, or in the case of an SPT device, a custom GPS vest with the electrode sensors built in to the GPS vest.

2. Receiver (in this case an SPT2 device).

As an athletes heart beats, an electrical signal travels through the heart in order for it to beat and contract. This electrical activity can be detected through the skin. The transmitter part of the heart rate monitor is placed on the skin around the area that the heart is beating, and it picks up the electrical signal. The transmitter then sends the signal containing the heart rate data to the receiver (SPT2 device) which then stores or displays the heart rate. 

For help pairing your Heart Rate Monitor with an SPT2 device, click here.