Uploading & Assigning a File


Uploading the file:

  1. Click the Upload button in the middle of the top navigation bar
  2. Click on the Upload File button and select the files on your computer (you can select multiple)
    1. NOTE: You can also drag and drop multiple files onto the screen
  3. The files will begin uploading in the panel on the left of the screen
    1. They will go through 3 states - Uploading, Processing, Saving.
    2. Once Saving has completed, a short summary of the file will appear in the middle panel
  4. Next we will show you how to assign the files to a Player and an Event

Assigning the file:

  1. Locate the file in the middle panel of the page
  2. First select the Player that this file is for
    • As a Manager you can select any player in your Team
    • As a non-Manager you can only select yourself
  3. If an event already exists in the system, then select which Event the file is for
  4. If there are no events already in the system, you will need to create a new event
    • Click the "Create a new event" text 
    • Select whether this Event should be viewable by: Your Team or Just You
    • Select the Type (Game, Training or Other)
    • Select the Date
    • Select the Location (Home, Away or Other)
    • Add an optional comment/opponent
    • Hit Save
  5. Once you've selected a Player and and Event you can click "Assign"
  6. The performance will now be assigned to the player or yourself.